Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sanctification through Servanthood (or Tough Days in Toddlerville)

So, I think I understand now what Paul meant in 1 Timothy 2:15 when he said women would be saved through childbirth! Its only 8:15 on this beautiful Wednesday morning, but I already feel like I've been through the ringer. Why? Because I've been focusing on myself and my desires instead of seeing my life and my children through the eyes of a servant as God has called me to by His example. When I manage to get my "kingdom spectacles" on properly even the whining and the fussing and the complaining are easier to deal with because I'm able to remember the reason I'm correcting these bad behaviors. Its not so that I will have "good" kids who won't embarrass me in public (although that is a plus! lol) The reason is twofold. First and foremost is it because God has called me to train them up in the way they should go. In Proverbs I'm reminded that "the reproofs of discipline are the way of life," and one that really gives me pause and makes me buckle down in the continual battle of loving discipline, we're commanded not to withhold discipline from a child so that he won't die!!! Ok, that's enough for today, even if none of you get anything out of these little "scripture" post, God uses them to cement in my mind the things he is teaching me. I'll leave you with some photos that make me smile no matter how uptight I am! (also tune in tomorrow for some thoughts God is showing me on gentleness...something I'm not that great at!)

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