Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dear President Obama

I am not the most eloquent person in the world and I often have a hard time verbally expressing the dichotomy of my thoughts, especially when it comes to spiritual matters. For example, while I think it is amazing that we have finally elected our first African-American president I simply couldn't rejoice in his election because of his views of the sanctity of life. I saw this clip from the Sunday sermon at Bethlehem Baptist Church by John Piper and was both moved and convicted. I was convicted by my lack of prayer and my lack of faith in this matter. Please, take a few moments (it's only about 3 minutes long) to watch this clip. I pray that it will touch you and convict you to pray for President Obama as it has me.


Carol A said...

That is awesome, Gina! Thanks for sharing. He is so right! But I do take issue with one thing that you said, that you have trouble "expressing the dichotomy of my thoughts". Anyone who can talk like that CAN express their thoughts! If you're like your momma though, those thoughts usually come the next day!!!

Canadian Kristin said...

Well spoken. Well explained. Thanks for sharing this different insight....to pray for Presiden Obama, that he will have the courage to be a parenting president...for if he can parent through his office, he will certainly pour out God's love and care in a courageous and changing way that can only better the American people and the world!

Jen said...

Ditto, would be nice to celebrate a historic event, but I agree, the moral issues have stopped that. Great job on your 20 pg for Jan though!