Wow! So I had no idea it had been 4 days since I had posted! Time sure is flying by. I have some treats for you today, well...they're treats to me anyway! lol. Pictures from my new camera!!!!!!! This first one is a picture of Kessa and Tim laying on her bed reading her Bible. He was very excited because she brought it to him and wanted him to read it. I hope she always wants to read the Bible that much! :D

Next we have a picture of our little rocker! She LOVES to climb up on anything she can manage to get on and then goes to town dancing! It's sooooo funny! And if there isn't any music on (there usually is, it seems like we're always listening to something, and she really like rock and punk music the best I think) she'll come find up and tell us she wants music! Cracks me up. She also knows that most people have music on their cell phones, so if she sees someone with a cell phone she'll tell them she wants to listen to music! Seriously makes me laugh no matter how crappy a day its seemed until then. :)

Last but not least just two close ups of my darling daughter. I'm amazed every time I look at her by the wonder God chose to entrust to us. She is so beautiful and so amazing. I pray God will give us the wisdom and grace to raise her so that she can still be kind and humble despite those characteristics.

And finally, I'll leave you with a DPS I did for a sketch challenge over at
Splitcoast. If you've never been over there you should check it out, its a ton of fun and a whole lot of great inspiration!! The first one is just a couple of pictures of Kessa and the verse on a page says,
"The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him." Lam. 3:24

The second page is about Kessa's name. The journaling is rather long, but here's what it says, "Kessa - names are so important. God always names people for a reason in the Bible so we wanted to be sure that your name was special and full of meaning also. We've been told that "Kessa" is a shortened and more pronouncable form of the Hebrew word for EVERLASTING LIFE. Because of that your name is a reminder of so many things. It is a reminder that everyone has an everlasting life, but more, it is a reminder for us, since we are Christians, that our everlasting life is secure and will be spent in the presence of God. Your name is a reminder of the joy that Jesus purchased for us through His suffering on the cross. The Lord chose us and saves us according to His good pleasure. Remember and Delight in Him when you think about your name!! "For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have EVERLASTING LIFE." John 3:16

For details on the products used on these pages check out
my gallery. Have a fantabulous day!!!!