So if you'll remember last month (April) we got to play with the lovely Lily Bee Design papers as part of our Color Me Daisy kit...well low and behold Lily Bee is having a mini album contest! I had so much fun using them in the kit I decided I needed to get some more and make a mini album...I mean these papers (French Couture) are soo my style! Aged, worn, but still bright and colorful...Love them! I decided to just make my own mismatched mini album and utalize both sides of this lovely paper rather than using a pre-made album. When I was done I just used my Bind it All to finish it up!
mundane to meaningful

I cut one of the mini die cut papers and then stitched around it to make the "grid" pattern on the front cover.

Some random and possibly boring things about me...
1. I could eat Orange Julius made with Sucanat everyday...(yes I have been called a health food geek before...)
2. I have read Jane Eyre no less than 5 times (could be more) and will be reading it again...soon.
3. I (heart) me some old junk!!! (but we'll call it "vintage" to make it sound cooler!)

4. I am totally and completely ADDICTED to scrapbooking!

And the little hearts pull out to reveal some hidden journaling.
Totally Random Scrappin Favs!
1. Aged/Vintage
2. Inking and distressing (it's an illness...I just can't help myself!)
3. Punches
4. Glossy Accents
5. Journaling to people
~I'm selfish. I know it's one of my biggest sins.
~ Sometimes I wonder if I would be a better mother if I didn't scrapbook...I think maybe I should pack it all up and say goodbye until you're all grown...but I don't.
~I sometimes buy candy and then hide it so I don't have to share. (told you I was selfish!)
~I really love using cloth diapers and I don't even mind washing them out...I just REALLY wish Kessa would at least TRY to use the potty!!!
~Sometimes I have junk food for lunch after the littles are down for their naps.
~ I get rather offended when people assume my children were born well behaved and write off how much hard work went into it.
I made the ruffles and the "bow" that I tied through the button out of Lily Bee papers.
I truly wouldn't be the person I am without the special people in my life...